The Shäwthän Näzhì
Empowering Healing and Recovery for Yukon First Nations, Yukon

The Shäwthän Näzhì: Recovery Support Program, is a transformative journey of healing and recovery for Yukon First Nations individuals. The Shäwthän Näzhì program, supported by the Arctic Inspiration Prize Charitable Trust, the Future Generations Foundation, the Council of Yukon First Nations, the Yukon Government, True North Aid and YSPOR, is poised to address the urgent need for aftercare and recovery support among Yukon First Nation communities struggling with addiction.
This Recovery Support Program takes a holistic approach combining various healing modalities, including equine, animal, and art therapy, energy and body healing, trauma and attachment therapies, and First Nation ceremonies and wisdom. With a focus on Indigenous worldviews and methodologies, the program is grounded through a variety of land-based activities.
As Shäwthän Näzhì unfolds, it aims to empower Indigenous communities to run local programs, bridging the gap between addiction treatment and sustained recovery. With the support of the generous supporting funders, this program makes a profound and lasting impact, nurturing resilience and healing among Yukon First Nation’s citizens.
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