The NIB Trust Fund Approves $9.8 Million to Groups and Organizations

OTTAWA, March 24, 2023 - The NIB Trust Fund is pleased to share that 2023-2024 groups and organizations have been notified of funding decisions. This year, the NIB Trust Fund Board of Trustees approved a total of $9.8 Million to 87 group applicants.
During the 2023-2024 Call, Organization Qualified Donees and Charitable organizations applied for funding for periods of up to five years, for amounts varying from $12,000 to $365,800 for programming aimed at education, healing and reconciliation, training certification, and cultural and traditional knowledge building.
The NIB Trust Fund allocates funds in accordance with the 2007 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Funds are available to First Nation and Métis individuals, governments, and organizations as part of ongoing healing and reconciliation work. The 2023-2024 group funding allocation brings the total funding awarded by the NIB Trust Fund to group beneficiaries to $59.8 Million to-date.
The next Call for Applications for Groups and Organizations will open in November 2023 and close in January 2024. For more information about the NIB Trust Fund, please visit
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NIB Trust Fund Communications
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